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The City of Bowbells Will Soon Ask for Your Help!

The State of North Dakota is working to get the lead out of the state’s drinking water pipes and the City of Bowbells and its residents are being asked to help. Most of our water system is hidden from sight, whether it is buried underground or located within the walls of our homes.

Bowbells utility staff are working with AE2S to determine if there is lead in any of the public water infrastructure that delivers water to properties. However, we will soon ask for your help to identify whether your home or business has lead pipes. It will be a simple test along with a survey to log your results. If lead is found within the City’s public pipes or in private property, we will seek funding to remove and replace lead infrastructure.

Please watch for upcoming announcements in your water utility bills, mail, email, and social media over the next few months. We will need everyone’s assistance to accomplish this important task! The City of Bowbells is committed to partnering with the community to ensure our water is lead-free.